these days with baby zee.

happy weekend to you!i am about to rush off to a girls overnight at a hotel in the city as a last hurrah before i'm physically attached to a baby for a few months again, so this will be short and sweet. basically, i'm feeling great, can't believe that there is such a short amount of time before this baby gets here, and am requesting some more prayers because my stubborn baby has once again refused to do what it's supposed to do.i hope everyone has a fabulous weekend, do something autumnal for me! i'll probably be eating pizza and diet coke in a robe on a hotel bed, so i'll live the dream for you guys too.36 weeks baby zee36 weeks with baby zeehow far along: 36 weeks. very pregnant.i’m feeling: pretty great still. tired? yes. swollen? oh my goodness yes.update on stubborn baby's position: at my appointment this week, we couldn't tell if baby had a bony butt or its head was up (where it's not supposed to be). so i had an ultrasound on friday, and we confirmed what i did NOT want to hear...that baby is not head down, but is cradled quite comfortably with its bootie in my pelvis. so that means the next step is to do an external version (aka moving the baby by hand). NOT looking forward to it at all, but if this works, it is much less likely that i would need a c-section. so please keep the prayers weight gain: you guys, i gained like 4-5 pounds in the last two weeks haha. i'm pretty sure most is fluid based on how puffy my hands and feet feel, but still. so i'm up to about 27 pounds total now, which was what my total gain was with Amelia. i'm on track (if the fluid chills out) to gain about 30 pounds, which is what i guessed at the zee’s size: this week, baby is the size of a head of romaine lettuce, about 6 lbs. and 18.5 inches long.this week: Mister Man was gone ALL WEEK LONG, which marks the last time he'll take a long trip before baby gets here, and the last time i'll be by myself with only one child. i tried to remind myself all week long that the next time i'm holding down the fort, there will be two kids here, and it really helped keep my perspective clear!maternity clothes: my darling friend amy let me come over and pick out a bunch of her maternity clothes (she has a brand new squishy 2 month old and a brand new 2 year old!). the dress i'm wearing in these photos is hers, and she saved my life with these "new to me" clothes. they're going to get me through the next few weeks with my sanity intact! thank you amy!sleep: oh it's bad now guys. laying down makes me kind of sore, turning over makes me kind of sore, and i've apparently started to snore a little bit? whatever, it's not like i'm going to be getting any more sleep anytime soon, so might as well embrace moment this week: amelia giving my belly lots of hugs and kisses, and taking a night out at a hotel in the city with my sisters and sister-cousin for a last night of relaxation and girl time before this baby gets here. (big thanks to Mister Man for pushing me to actually do this...i love you baby daddy).movement: slowing down a bit, but still kicking and punching and jabbing in there. we'll see what happens when we try to move the little cravings: nothing new, but i still have an appetite, so i'm trying to eat lots of protein (hard-boiled eggs, nuts, yogurt) and fruit instead of gorging on skittles like i want aversions: nope. give me whatever and i'll eat it.belly button in or out: it's totally, completely flat.looking forward to: getting the dresser in the bedroom (i just washed all our gender neutral baby clothes and can't believe anything could be that small...Amelia was never that small, right??), and getting the crib set up. we're hoping next weekend is the weekend to get all of it done!36 weeks with baby zee

[unsure how this baby could get any bigger...]

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these days with baby zee.


how to occupy a busy* toddler.