these days with baby zee.

well hello there!as i write this little update, i am having the most overwhelming feeling of "time flies when you're having fun". or in my case, when you're pregnant with your second child. as of this week, i'm already in the third trimester. as in, there are only 12 weeks left in this pregnancy. as in, i should probably start doing some kind of (any kind of) preparation for this baby to get here.i mean, i wasn't the model of an adorable, nesting mother the first time around (more of an ice cream eating, resting on the couch mother), but we still managed to get the nursery painted and equipment assembled before baby's arrival. cross your fingers we get there this time around too!

28 weeks with baby number 2[not the MOST flattering belly photo i've ever taken, but there it is. i think i'm running about 2-3 weeks ahead of last time, size-wise.]

how far along: 28 weeks. how did the third trimester get here so fast?!?i’m feeling: still pretty good. still a bit sore. definitely noticing when i have a full day of activity. for example, on monday, we had a morning park playdate, went grocery shopping, made lunch, and then during naptime i harvested the garden, washed the veggies, prepped dinner, and then i finished cooking dinner and did the dishes while Mister Man got Amelia ready for bed. by 9:30pm, i was done for, and i also woke up kind of sore this morning. so i might need to make time to get off my feet more often for the next 12 weeks. other than that, i'm all good!total weight gain: 18 pounds. last month i was at 14, so it looks like i'm at a steady one pound a week gain. just a note to those of you who may be going through pregnancy and struggling with accepting weight gain, or those of you who may be nervous to get pregnant for that reason. i do tend to be more relaxed than most about accepting the higher numbers on the scale, because for me it is all about the health and growth of that baby. but i don't want anyone to think that it isn't normal to struggle a little bit with seeing that number go up each month. even me, who is in awe of my body and all it's doing, gets a little uncomfortable as the number gest closer to 20. today was one of those uncomfortable days. but i want you to know that you don't have to know how much you're gaining if you don't think you can handle it...just tell your doctor to let you know if it's normal each appointment, and be done. my doctor made me feel better today by telling me my weight gain and blood pressure were "perfect". and how often are we able to hear that our weight gain is perfect? never. except when we're growing babies. so for any of you struggling, know that you're normal, but always remind yourself that what you're doing is more amazing than any number on a zee’s size: this week, baby is the size of an eggplant, about 2.25 lbs. and 14.8 inches long (except based on how jabby this baby is, it might be longer).this week: it's been hot as all get out here, so i've been trying to take it easier. i've also realized that both Mister Man and Amelia's birthdays are just a few weeks away, so i started planning out both of those this week. all i know is that it's definitely going to be low-key this year.maternity clothes: i'm living in dresses. i may also need to invest in some stretchy shorts for the remainder of summer, because it's been so hot! i'm starting to think about buying a new cute pair of pjs for the hospital too...almost too much fun to think about, right?sleep: a little meh, but i can't complain. my biggest wakeup these days is an early morning bathroom run, or if Amelia unluckily stirs and yells at us from our moment this week: Amelia and i have been having so much fun this week. she is really turning into such a special little girl, with so much personality (follow along on snapchat if you don't believe me: hooleywithaz). i love hanging out with her. she has the best ideas, is so loving to everyone around her, and is always looking to play play play. it's such a great reminder for me to have. so nothing super special happened, it was just a good week.movement: as i tweeted last week, i now refer to the baby as "jabby" or "jabs". because whoa are they all knees and elbows up in my grill. there are times where i actually have to stop what i'm doing because of the gymnastics happening inside my belly. it's different from how active Amelia was (and believe me she never stopped moving), because this one seems to be occupying different space inside me than she did. each one is new, that is no cravings: not a lot in the way of cravings persay, unless you guys want me to repeat how often i eat ice cream. which is a lot. (oh, p.s., i passed my 3-hour glucose test...again. might just have to go straight to that one if i have another baby.) i am getting really into canning ALL OF THE THINGS in the garden, so maybe that's my way of nesting?food aversions: still getting really full, really fast, mostly at the end of the day. so i try to eat big lunches and a couple protein-filled snacks throughout the day.belly button in or out: what even is a belly button anymore guys?looking forward to: getting the kids' (ah!) bedroom set up to include the baby's crib and a new dresser/changing table so we have more room for clothes. it's such a weird thing to know there will be two of them in there eventually. baby will be sleeping in our room for a while, but their stuff being in there with Amelia is going to make it feel real. i'm so excited for them to share a room, even though i'm sure there will be challenges that come along with it.

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these days with baby zee.


coffee date.